EuroSpeleo 2016
Field Trip: Accompanied Caving Trips
Field|Mr Dave Hollingham
Happy to accompany some groups of cavers on some of the trips already rigged and also on others if suitable. Good sporting knowledge of Easegill and Leck Fell systems. Keen to explore deeper into Gaping Gill system.
More from 2016
Oral|Mr Petar Beron
Zoological Results of the British Speleological Expedition to Papua New Guinea 1975
Oral|Dr Nadja Zupan Hajna
Life and water in karst regions
Oral|Mr Michael Laumanns
Middle East A reminiscence of 4 expeditions to Iran and Iraq between 2000 and 2007 (M. Laumanns, Speleoclub Berlin)
Oral|Ms Erin M Lynch
Recent Exploration in Luoshui Kong, Wulong, China
Workshop|Mr Duncan Simey
An Introduction to Cave Photography
Oral|Mr Paul Taylor
Cave Link- Through the Rock Text Messaging
Oral|Dr Frederico Regala
AESDA Calib - a calibration device for DistoX/X2
Workshop|Mr Robin Gray
Art Workshop 5 - Fantasy workshop
Oral|Prof Baojian Huang
Jinfo Cave and its Sediment Sequences in Jinfoshan Karst, South China
Oral|Miss Catherine Moody
China Caves- A Journey into the Unknown