EuroSpeleo 2016
Art Workshop 4 - Drawing the great Chamber in GG
Workshop|Mr Robin Gray
Mainly for adults, sketching in and around the Great Chamber in Gaping Gyll: Winch ride down and out. Three or four sessions tutored by ISSA members. Sketch books and drawing equipment provided. Maximum number 10 due to time taken in descending the main pitch. Wear warm clothes!
Pre-registration will be required, apply at Reception or online closer to the date.
More from 2016
Oral|Mr Simon Brooks
Peak District Round-Up
Oral|Ms Xiumin Zhai
Amplitude and pacing of abrupt climate change: derived from Asian stalagmite records spanning the last 70ka
Oral|Mr Paul Taylor
Cave Link- Through the Rock Text Messaging
Oral|Mr Petar Beron
Zoological Results of the British Speleological Expedition to Papua New Guinea 1975
Field|Mr Whittle Sean
Visit to the Headquarters of the Cave Rescue Organisation, Clapham
Workshop|Mr Dincan Simey
Paperless Surveying - Tips & Tricks
Oral|Mrs Alena Gessert
Čertova diera (Devil`s hole) – a part of the Domica-Baradla cave system (Slovakia)
Workshop|Dr Bob Mehew
Workshop - How strong is your rope?
Poster|Mr David St. Pierre
Poster: Norwegian Cave Index and Bibliography (Founded 1963)
Poster|Dr Andrew Smith
Poster: 12,000 years of rainfall history revealed by stalagmite deposits from Cueva de Asiul (Matienzo, N. Spain)