EuroSpeleo 2016
Caver's Cinema - Monday
Film|Mr A Freem
Cinema tonight
'Gaping Gill - Bar Pot to Stream Passage Pot'. Short film by A & A Freem
'Son Doong; Vietnam' spectacular 6.5min. film by Ryan Deboodt,
'Wookey Exposed' feature film by Gavin Newman
More from 2016
Oral|Mr Gavin Newman
Lights Cameras Caves…
Oral|Miss Catherine Moody
China Caves- A Journey into the Unknown
Oral|Prof Kyung Sik Woo
Natural and cultural heritage values of the Geomunoreum Lava Tube System, Jeju Island, Korea
Oral|Mr Pete Talling
Myanmar 2010-2016
Oral|Ms Xiumin Zhai
Amplitude and pacing of abrupt climate change: derived from Asian stalagmite records spanning the last 70ka
Field|Mr David Morrison
Field Trip: Dowsing a fresh look at finding Caves
Field|Mrs Lisa Westcott Wilkins
Field Trip: Ben Scar Cave Excavation - Open to All
Oral|Dr Hazel Barton
Amazing Caves: Amazing Microbes
Oral|Dr Trevor Faulkner
The caves of Gigglewick Scar - examples of deglacial speleogenesis?
Film|Mr James Newton
CINEMA: India or Bust: A Caving Trip by Double-Decker Bus