EuroSpeleo 2016
Surveyor's Get Together - Cave Symbols, Data Entry and more...
Workshop|Mr Andrew Atkinson
More from 2016
Workshop|Dr Bob Mehew
Workshop - How strong is your rope?
Oral|Mr Michael Laumanns
Southeast Asia A summary of 21 expeditions to Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Philippines (M. Laumanns, Speleoclub Berlin)
Workshop|Mr Nigel Steel
Caves and photogrammetry
Oral|Mr Fadi Nader
Paleoclimate reconstruction based on stalagmite studies from Lebanon
Poster|Dr David Gibson
Poster: The Cave Radio & Electronics Group Journal
Oral|Prof John Gunn
Caves and Karst in British Carbonate Rocks
Oral|Mr Chris Jewell
Cave Diving in Sistema Huautla: 2013 and 2016
Oral|Dr Attila Gáti
Poor man's laser scanner, a simple method in 3d cave surveying
Oral|Mr Henry Bennett
SpeleoPhilippines 2016
Oral|Mr Madphil Rowsell
Recent discoveries in Sanwang Dong, China