EuroSpeleo 2016
Visit to the Headquarters of the Cave Rescue Organisation, Clapham
Field|Mr Whittle Sean
An opportunity to visit the Headquarters of what is probably the world's busiest cave rescue team. Drop in on Wednesday any time between 5pm and 9pm to have a look around and chat to CRO members. Situated in the village of Clapham next to the New Inn pub.
More from 2016
Oral|Mr . Wookey
What's new in Survex
Oral|Miss Oana Chachula
The benefits a scientific element can bring to a Caving Expedition
Oral|Mr Andy Chapman
PESH (Proyecto Espeleologico Sistema Huautla), the project in Mexico's deepest cave
Oral|Mr Nigel Steel
Caves and photogrammetry
Oral|Mrs Heliana Dundarova
International expedition to Turkey "KIZILIN'2015"
Oral|Mr Michael Laumanns
Southeast Asia A summary of 21 expeditions to Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Philippines (M. Laumanns, Speleoclub Berlin)
Field|Mr Dave Hollingham
Field Trip: Accompanied Caving Trips
Poster|Mr David St. Pierre
Poster: Grotte Casteret (Gruta Helada de Casteret) An annotated and illustrated bibliography. 2007
Workshop|Mr Duncan Simey
An Introduction to Cave Photography
Oral|Mr Bernard Chirol
The oldest artificial cave map