EuroSpeleo 2016
Caves, climate change and Neanderthals: ongoing palaeoclimate research in Matienzo, northern Spain
Oral|Miss Laura Deeprose
The Matienzo depression, northern Spain, formed over the past 2.6 million years, revealing a potential for the caves of the region to contain a record of climate and environmental change throughout the Quaternary. Ongoing research programmes of cave monitoring have been addressing how in-cave climate signals contained within the hydrology and cave atmosphere are transferred into modern carbonate deposits. Analysis of speleothem deposits is providing a palaeoclimatic perspective, revealing variability in climatic conditions stretching from the modern day back through the Pleistocene. Currently we are aiming to reconstruct past variations in climate and environment between 80,000 – 30,000 years ago; a period which marks the decline and eventual extinction of the Neanderthals. Analysis of a stalagmite from Perlas Cave which grew between 80,000 – 60,000 years ago has demonstrated a high degree of climatic instability during this period. Future work aims to extend the record to 30,000 years ago using stable isotope analysis to infer climatic change. Flowstone deposits in neighbouring cave systems with sediments containing Aurignacian artefacts above and Mousterian artefacts below will be dated using U-Th to provide a timeframe for the last known presence of Neanderthals within the Matienzo region.
More from 2016
Oral|Prof Weihai Chen
Karst Landscape and Caves in China
Workshop|Mr Robin Gray
Art Workshop 1 - Tryout drawing techniques
Poster|Mr Nigel Steel
Poster: Cave archaeology and Photogrammetry
Oral|Mr Frank Pearson
Caverns of the Mind: Science and the Imagination in 18th Century Caves
Oral|Prof Baojian Huang
Jinfo Cave and its Sediment Sequences in Jinfoshan Karst, South China
Oral|Ms Antoniya Vlaykova
Hidden wonders of the underground world
Oral|Miss Catherine Moody
Diving Deep in Durmitor, Montenegro
Oral|Mr Jing Zhang
Evolution and Characteristics of Jinfoshan Cave Systems in Chongqing, China
Oral|Mr Rolf Siegenthaler
Bärenschacht, Switzerland
Poster: Chinese – Bulgarian Expedition in Gaolingongshan Mt. , South West China