EuroSpeleo 2016
A brief (fictional) history of Speleomusic
Oral|Dr Rostam Namaghi
A brief (disclaimer: fictional) history of Speleomusic and its influence on mainstream culture, given by the frontman of the Speleophonics and caving music super group, the super furry undersuits.
Be prepared to be sung at and to join in. You have been warned.
More from 2016
Poster|Dr David Gibson
Poster: The Cave Radio & Electronics Group Journal
Oral|Miss Imogen Furlong
Second longest cave in Krabi or 'How to run a serious caving expedition with toddlers in tow'
Oral|Prof Baojian Huang
Jinfo Cave and its Sediment Sequences in Jinfoshan Karst, South China
Oral|Mr Nigel Steel
Caves and photogrammetry
Oral|Mr Andy Chapman
PESH (Proyecto Espeleologico Sistema Huautla), the project in Mexico's deepest cave
Oral|Mr Alexander Chrapko
10 years of Cave Lighting project. LED lighting in show caves.
Field|Dr Bob Mehew
Field Trip - Hands On Rope Testing
Workshop|Mr Robin Gray
Art Workshop 3 - Drawing cavers in costume
Oral|Dr Tim Moulds
UIS Congress 2017 - Caves in an Ancient Land
Oral|Mr Frank Pearson
Northern Round-up of Cave Exploration and Conservation