Hidden Earth 2024
South Wales Round Up
30 minute Lecture|Alex Stacey
With yet another year stuck under the Mynydd Llangulag (and the rest of South Wales), comes yet another year of digging by its prisoners.
I come forth to share a whistle-stop tour of their glorious exploits, dives, breakthroughs and dits since the last South Wales round up.
More from 2024
Lecture|Graham Christian & Gareth Edwards
How Wet is Wales Really?
Film|Thomas Arbenz
Achik Kol - Uncharted Caves of South Garo Hills
Lecture|Peter Talling
The Remote Pico del Oro Plateau in North Peru: Searching for Caves in 2,800m Deep Limestone
Lecture|Rostam Namaghi
In defence of caving politics, a history and possible future of the BCA
Lecture|Keith Edwards And Paul Taylor
An Electronic Cave Rescue Incident Management System
Lecture|John Gunn
Sulphate caves and karst in the South Harz Mountains, Central Germany
Lecture|National Scout Active Support Unit
Scout Caving : Getting Involved
Lecture|Andy Farrant
The Mulu caves just keep on getting bigger… Biogenic subaerial dissolution by nitrification in the Caves of Gunung Mulu National Park, Borneo.
Lecture|Peter Talling
Junction Junkies - Connecting Draughting Hole and Missed Pot to make a 7.7 km system
Lecture|Tim Nichols
Major Extensions in Redhouse Lane Swallet