Hidden Earth 2024
Cave Surveying Group Meet/AGM
30 minute Workshop|Wookey
We're supposed to have an AGM. This is it.
But really it's a chance to meet other surveyors and find out what people have been doing. Please come along if you are interested in any aspect of cave surveying or cave GIS.
More from 2024
Lecture|Louise Korsgaard
Back to Buda
Lecture|Joerg Dreybrodt
Lava Caves in the Eastern Rift Valley in Kenya
Workshop|Rick Peterson
Cave Archaeology - communication and collaboration
Lecture|Juan Corrin
Matienzo Caves 2024
Lecture|Phil Murphy
Where does all the water go? The Northern Caves & Karst Hydrology Database - what it is, what it can tell us and what you need to do to help
Lecture|John Gunn
Sulphate caves and karst in the South Harz Mountains, Central Germany
Lecture|Graham Christian & Gareth Edwards
How Wet is Wales Really?
Lecture|Fleur Loveridge
Try a Little Harder
Lecture|Chris Scaife
Descent at 300
Lecture|Peter Talling
Junction Junkies - Connecting Draughting Hole and Missed Pot to make a 7.7 km system