Hidden Earth 2024
Try a Little Harder
45 minute Lecture|Fleur Loveridge
To be fair, its not like the Ario Caves Project team haven't shown significant perseverance in the last few years as the tight and awkward Ario Reality was explored, and last year's team then made the much hoped for connection into Pozu Jultayu. This year camp was set up at the far upstream end of the system and fixed aids in the streamway renewed, and future leads identified. But also, just the tiniest piece of extra effort in the 300m shaft of Tras La Jayarda, much visited and declared dead in the 1980's, saw new depth added. This extension is now tantalisingly close to Holier than Thou inlet in Pozu Jultayu and a real easy way into the most captivating cave in the Ario area. Come and hear about all this, plus important efforts to chase draughts that we hope could lead to the long sought goal of a way beyond the terminal choke downstream in this grand stream cave.
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