Hidden Earth 2024

Cambridge University Caving Club - Totes Gebirge Expedition 2024

45 minute Lecture|Jono Lester

Cambridge University Caving Club - Totes Gebirge Expedition 2024


This summer, cavers from the UK and around the world returned to Austria's Totes Gebirge region to explore the Loser Augst-Eck plateau, continuing decades of work by the Cambridge University Caving Club & friends.
Over 5.5 weeks, 40 participants, including many students and first-time explorers, focused on Balkonhohle (Balkon) and Heimkommenhöhle (Homecoming). With two surface camps and underground camps in full swing, the team advanced exploration towards the 136 km-long Schwarzmooskogel Höhlensystem (SMK) and pushed exploration westward.