Hidden Earth 2024
Lava Caves in the Eastern Rift Valley in Kenya
30 minute Lecture|Joerg Dreybrodt
The East African Rift Valley Lava cave expedition explored the volcano areas north of Baringo lake and the valley rim at the western edge near Eldoret in 2022. Large lava caves were found at Silali Volcano based on literature references. The caves consist of three segments and belong to one system of 1.8 km length. One segment contains a very large bat colony with several different species. Further research is required on the bats and fauna in the caves as well as the presence of other lava caves of similar type in the regions towards Turkana lake.
More from 2024
Workshop|Rick Peterson
Cave Archaeology - communication and collaboration
Lecture|Andy Farrant
The Mulu caves just keep on getting bigger… Biogenic subaerial dissolution by nitrification in the Caves of Gunung Mulu National Park, Borneo.
Lecture|Colin Boothroyd
Not another Mulu talk. Well ... errr .... yes
Lecture|Steve Whitlock
Cuetzalan, 20 Years On From The First Sump Rescue, and the Future
Lecture|Jono Lester
BCA - Youth and Development Talk: Spelioholics Anonymous
Lecture|Alex Stacey
South Wales Round Up
Lecture|Mark Tringham
The Slaughter Catchment in the Forest of Dean, cave science and resurveying point to the existence of a Symonds Yat Master System
Workshop|Jono Lester
Cave Survey & Emerging Technologies
Film|Thomas Arbenz
Achik Kol - Uncharted Caves of South Garo Hills
Lecture|National Scout Active Support Unit
Scout Caving : Getting Involved