Hidden Earth 2023
Huautla System Speleological Project (PESH) 2023
30 minute Lecture|Kristian Brook

Continuing explorations of Sistema Huautla in the Mazatec highlands. This years expedition consisted of pushing for higher entrances to achieve the goal of a mile deep system, along with collection of sample for scientific research.
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Film|Dan Harries
Nagaland caving expedition 2022-2023
Lecture|Linda Wilson
Forgotten Voices Speak: Recording Historic Graffiti in Kents Cavern
Lecture|Paul Wilman
Artificial Cave System in memory of Paul Dold
Lecture|Fleur Loveridge
5 km of new cave in the dales: an a-mazing search for a missing master cave
Lecture|Lydia De Brett
Evidence of a Past Acid-Metal Mine Pollution Event Found within a Macrotidal Estuary on Anglesey
Workshop|Paul Taylor
Video salon showcase. Viewing of submitted films, comments and feedback session.
Lecture|Simon Brooks
Caving in the Abode of the Clouds, Meghalaya 2020 to 2023
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Using Underwater Photogrammetry to Map the Maria Concordia mine
Lecture|Henrys Dawson & Bennett
Caving in the Philippines- Negros recce
Lecture|Rostam Namaghi
The Demographics of British Caving