Hidden Earth 2023
Caves of the North Bristol Outcrop
30 minute Lecture|David Hardwick
The Mendips are the most well known caves in the South West Region but there are others areas of limestone in and around Bristol. This talk focuses on an outcrop of limestone north of Bristol which includes the cave "Fishmongers Swallet" which has been explored by HADES CC and UBSS over many years with unusual discoveries - both geological and archaeological.
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Migovec Expedition 22, 23
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Should the GPF mandate cave expedition carbon offsetting?
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Deep in the Levant
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More discoveries and future potential in the North York Moors
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Mendip Round Up
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How to make a successful a caving film
Workshop|Peter Glanvill
Cavers' Just a Minute
Workshop|Jonathan Lester
BCRA - Cave Survey Group Meet
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Snottites, Slime and Oozes – Derbyshire Mine Biofilms
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The Dachstein Caving Expeditions 2022 and 2023