Hidden Earth 2023
Video salon showcase. Viewing of submitted films, comments and feedback session.
30 minute Workshop|Paul Taylor
Viewing of the submissions to the video salon for HE 2023. The aim is for discussion, feedback and comments from viewers and other videographers alike to share ideas and improve techniques for everyone. We're also happy to take suggestions on how best to run the salon in future years.
More from 2023
Lecture|Duncan Price
Mendip Round Up
Lecture|Simon Brooks
Peak District Round up 2020 to 2023
Lecture|Peter Glanvill
England's smallest caving area?
Lecture|Pete Allwright
Nicola Cave Radio developments
Lecture|Alan Jefferys (goon)
Scottish Roundup
Lecture|Paul Wilman
Artificial Cave System in memory of Paul Dold
Lecture|Andrew Hinde , Ged Benn.
The Horner Photographic Collection
Lecture|Paul Taylor
Forest of Dean Round Up
Lecture|David Hardwick
Caves of the North Bristol Outcrop
Workshop|Peter Glanvill
The future of Club Journals in the age of social media