Hidden Earth 2023
Scottish Roundup
30 minute Lecture|Alan Jefferys (goon)

It has been six years since the last Scottish roundup, and some significant discoveries have been developed during that period. The talk will update progress in all Scottish caving regions, giving an overview of various research and investigative schemes run by the Grampian Speleological Group to collect and document caves of every type and size to be found north of the border. Some new publications will also have attention drawn to them.
More from 2023
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Should the GPF mandate cave expedition carbon offsetting?
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Advancing Archaeological Speleothem Research & Its Future Role In Cave Digs
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Peak District Round up 2020 to 2023
Lecture|David Hardwick
Caves of the North Bristol Outcrop
Workshop|Peter Glanvill
The future of Club Journals in the age of social media
Lecture|Pete Allwright
Nicola Cave Radio developments
Lecture|Andrew Hinde , Ged Benn.
The Horner Photographic Collection
Workshop|Paul Taylor
Video salon showcase. Viewing of submitted films, comments and feedback session.
Lecture|Nadia R-c
SpeleoSisters+: Alternative spaces in caving
Lecture|Christine Grosart
Wild World: Izvor Licanke - all in the planning.