Hidden Earth 2023
England's smallest caving area?
60 minute Lecture|Peter Glanvill
The Quantock Hills in Somerset contain numerous patches of Devonian limestone. The hills have been mined in the past, mainly in the 18th and 19th centuries. The only significant known cave system is Holwell Cavern, which has a fascinating history linking (arguably) Frankenstein, the father of powered flight, the discoverer of White Scar Cavern and a former cave diving pioneer. However efforts over the years have been directed in various parts of the hills to discover more cave and most recently an 18th century mine has been reopened in an valiant attempt to relocate large natural caverns found in the late 1700's. This lecture covers the history of Holwell Cave, and activities to find more natural caves as well as the opening of the only accessible mine left on the Quantocks.
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