Hidden Earth 2023
The future of Club Journals in the age of social media
30 minute Workshop|Peter Glanvill
In my role as editor of a club magazine the Belfry Bulletin I am finding it increasingly hard to obtain contributions on original exploration - or anything else to be honest. This seems to be becoming an issue in general and seems to pose problems for future generations seeking information. It would perhaps be valuable to share other editors views on how to tackle this conundrum. Is the age of printed media over or do we need to overhaul the way we publish club Journals.
More from 2023
Lecture|Linda Wilson
Forgotten Voices Speak: Recording Historic Graffiti in Kents Cavern
Workshop|Paul Taylor
Video salon showcase. Viewing of submitted films, comments and feedback session.
Lecture|Fleur Loveridge
5 km of new cave in the dales: an a-mazing search for a missing master cave
Lecture|Jonathan Lester
BCA - Youth and Development Talk: Unearthing Ancient Wisdom and Future Shenanigans
Lecture|David Hardwick
Caves of the North Bristol Outcrop
Lecture|Christine Grosart
Wild World: Izvor Licanke - all in the planning.
Lecture|Adele Ward
A sink to rising Fairy tale in Weardale.
Lecture|Julian Todd
TunnelVR - An easy way to draw 3D surveys that makes sense to people
Lecture|Simon Brooks
Caving in the Abode of the Clouds, Meghalaya 2020 to 2023
Lecture|Rob Watson, Wookey
Should the GPF mandate cave expedition carbon offsetting?