Hidden Earth 2023
Nicola Cave Radio developments
30 minute Lecture|Pete Allwright

Provide updates on the Nicola 3 cave radio and information of the Nicola 4 cave radio. Overview of uses in cave rescue and beyond.
More from 2023
Lecture|Jonathan Lester
Unveiling the Hidden Depths: Subterranean Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning for Cave Surveying, Rescue, and Preservation
Lecture|Andy Goddard and Rob Thomas
Recent Exploration in Northern Thailand
Lecture|Peter Glanvill
England's smallest caving area?
Lecture|Henrys Dawson & Bennett
Caving in the Philippines- Negros recce
Lecture|Christine Grosart
Wild World: Izvor Licanke - all in the planning.
Film|Dan Harries
Nagaland caving expedition 2022-2023
Lecture|Simon Brooks
Caving in the Abode of the Clouds, Meghalaya 2020 to 2023
Lecture|Lydia De Brett
Evidence of a Past Acid-Metal Mine Pollution Event Found within a Macrotidal Estuary on Anglesey
Lecture|Adele Ward
A sink to rising Fairy tale in Weardale.
Lecture|Brendan Hall - Christian Kuhlman
The New Wave of Paperless Survey Devices