Hidden Earth 2019
SRT Kit Workshop
60 minute Workshop|Nigel Atkins
A practical session with Nigel Atkins (BCA Training) on all aspects of SRT.
More from 2019
Workshop|Phil Wolstenholme and Dominika Wroblewska
Visualising Cave Sound Workshop
Lecture|Robert Middleton
Reasons for, and perceptions of access restrictions to caves and recreational mines within the mainland Britain
Lecture|Dr Frank Pearson
Northern Round-up of Cave Exploration
Lecture|Phil Rowsell
Ghar Parau Foundation
Workshop|Jerry Wooldridge
Photoshop Workshop
Lecture|Simon Brooks
Caving in the Abode of the Clouds, Meghalaya 2019
Lecture|Jo White
Leopards, speleothem mines and bureaucracy: caving in South Africa
CHECC Roundup 2019
Lecture|Adele Ward and Andrew Hinde
Fairy Holes - Weardale. The history and continuing exploration of a cave that was almost lost forever.
Lecture|Dr Rostam Namaghi
North Wales: the Fifth Region