Hidden Earth 2019
Caving in the Abode of the Clouds, Meghalaya 2019
60 minute Lecture|Simon Brooks

2019 saw multi-national Caving in the Abode of the Clouds Project, Meghalaya make yet more excellent progress in its 27th year. With 12.3kms of new cave passage explored consisting of magnificent shafts and stunning river passage this took the cumulative total of passage explored by the project to date past the 500kms mark. Not bad for a part of the world that was originally thought to have limited speleological potential. This years expedition began by further exploration of Krem Puri (the worlds longest sandstone cave) and an event to equip young Meghalaya Cavers with equipment and skills in cave exploration, mapping and SRT. This was then followed by the main expedition that focused on an area in the East Jaintia Hills. In addition to the cave exploration a new species of cave fish was discover (or rather re-discovered and not eaten on this occasion!!!) that has proven to be the worlds largest cave fish known to date further adding to the secrets that are being revealed as exploration continues.
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Becoming French - 4 Years of Exploration in the Vercors with the SGCAF
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The Rednecks and Redcoats Expedition: Mapping Mountain Eye
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Iran expedition 2019
Film|Andy and Antonia Freem
The Buried Treasures of Fairyland
Lecture|Peter Glanvill
Cavers' Just a Minute
Lecture|John Gunn
Progress with the British Cave Monitoring Centre
Lecture|Les Williams
Mulu 2019, Anglo-Malaysian Caving Expedition
Lecture|Jeff Wade
Veryovkina -2212m : A trip to meet Harios the fish at the bottom of the deepest cave in the world
Film|Elise Freshwater-Blizzard
Independent Documentary Making Underground