Hidden Earth 2019
Tresviso Expedition 2019
30 minute Lecture|Tresviso 2019
A lowdown on the Tresviso 2019 expedition, including the first through trip from Silvestre pot To Marniosa, new and exciting high level leads in Marniosa, successful diving in Cueva de Nacimiento, and the adventures of the explorer pro 200 dingy (massive flooding)
More from 2019
Lecture|John Gunn
Progress with the British Cave Monitoring Centre
Film|Elise Freshwater-Blizzard
Independent Documentary Making Underground
Lecture|Jennifer Ryder
A Series of Slovenian Events
Film|Andy and Antonia Freem
A film presentation of the Nenthead Mines Complex, Cumbria
Lecture|Dr Frank Pearson
Northern Round-up of Cave Exploration
Lecture|Hellie Adams
BCA: what next?
Lecture|Peter Glanvill
Mendip Round-up
Workshop|Andrew Atkinson
Cave Surveying Meeting
Lecture|Derek Bristol
Capturing Video of the Longest Caves in the World
Film|Andy Freem
Cryogenic research in Water Icicle Close Cave