Hidden Earth 2019
Mendip Round-up
30 minute Lecture|Peter Glanvill
The usual round-up of all the latest goings on from Mendip.
More from 2019
Lecture|Phil Rowsell
Ghar Parau Foundation
Lecture|Chris Twigg
3D modelling of Ironstone and Jet workings in Cleveland
Workshop|Nigel Atkins
SRT Kit Workshop
Mobile Handheld 3DLaser Scanning - Cave Surveying of the Future
Lecture|Petie Barry
Shannon Cave, Ireland: High level explorations 2017-2019
Lecture|Jennifer Ryder
A Series of Slovenian Events
Lecture|Alex Ritchie
Expedition: Overlooked Armenia
Film|Andy and Antonia Freem
The Buried Treasures of Fairyland
Lecture|Les Williams
Mulu 2019, Anglo-Malaysian Caving Expedition
Workshop|Andrew Atkinson
Cave Survey Competition - Feedback