Hidden Earth 2019
Cave Surveying Meeting
Workshop60 minute Workshop|Andrew Atkinson
After a year mainly successfully delivering training and running an advanced survey workshop, where lots of trouble shooting and development took place. This meeting is the opportunity for all surveyor, and potential surveyor to come together, share ideas and plan the coming year.
More from 2019
LectureLecture|Simon Brooks
Caving in the Abode of the Clouds, Meghalaya 2019
LectureLecture|Simon Brooks
Return to Pakistan (Cave Exploration in Pakistan 1990 to 2018)
LectureLecture|Alex Ritchie
Expedition: Overlooked Armenia
LectureLecture|Petie Barry
Shannon Cave, Ireland: High level explorations 2017-2019
LectureLecture|Petie Barry
Land Down Under: Anglo-Irish Caving Expedition to Tasmania 2018-19
LectureLecture|Tresviso 2019
Tresviso Expedition 2019
LectureLecture|Dr Hazel Barton
Greenland Caves Project 2019
LectureLecture|Dr Hazel Barton
The Weird Microbiology of Mulu
FilmFilm|Andy Freem
Cryogenic research in Water Icicle Close Cave
CHECC Roundup 2019