Hidden Earth 2019
Cavers' Just a Minute
30 minute Lecture|Peter Glanvill
Hidden Earth needs a bit of humour so I have, for the last few years, endeavoured to inject some into the proceedings. Last years JAM was well received and slightly revamped I would like to do it again. Subjects will, again be of topical interest.
More from 2019
Workshop|Jerry Wooldridge
Photoshop Workshop
Film|Elise Freshwater-Blizzard
Independent Documentary Making Underground
Lecture|Hellie Adams
BCA: what next?
Mobile Handheld 3DLaser Scanning - Cave Surveying of the Future
Film|Andy and Antonia Freem
The Buried Treasures of Fairyland
Lecture|Derek Bristol
Capturing Video of the Longest Caves in the World
Lecture|Jo White
Leopards, speleothem mines and bureaucracy: caving in South Africa
CHECC Roundup 2019
Workshop|Nigel Atkins
SRT Kit Workshop
Lecture|Tresviso 2019
Tresviso Expedition 2019