Hidden Earth 2019
From snow to past alpine climate: what ice caves tell us.
30 minute Lecture|Tanguy Racine
The infall of snow in open pit caves in an alpine environment sometimes leads to the perennial accumulation of ice underground. These 'cave glaciers' usually also contain macro-fossils, whose dating suggests the preserved ice reaches up to 5000 years old locally.
With the help of an international team of researchers based in Innsbruck, Austria, Tanguy, currently a student at the local university, has visited several of these 'sag-type' caves to investigate their potential for reconstructing a record of past historical climate in the European Alps. The research sites are mainly situated in Austria but also include a Slovenian ice cave.
Tanguy will provide a brief summary of the cave characteristics (geometry, ventilation patterns) that lead to cave glaciation and give an overview of the ice caves currently under study as well as a review of methods used to constrain the age of the ice and potential insights in palaeoclimate research.
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