Hidden Earth 2019
Medusa's Maze - CUCC unravels the mysteries of Austria's second longest system
30 minute Lecture|Tom Crossley and Becka Lawson

Cambridge University Caving Club returned to Austrian's Dead Mountains (the Totes Gebirge) in 2019 to be greeted by the biggest snow dump for years. This blocked our top camp bivvy to almost the roof, buried 3m deep the entrance to one of our main caving objectives and, combined with relentless rain, it hammered moral. Plans were laid then re-laid until we hit pay-dirt, deep under the northernmost extent of our main, Schwartzmooskogel system. Here, we extended Balkonhoehle into a whole new horizontal level. Meanwhile, far out in the wilds of the Plateau, our new cave, Homecoming, romped off into empty space with no end in sight. Come to hear about what we found and our truly grand plans for extending this incredible system!
More from 2019
Film|Andy and Antonia Freem
The Buried Treasures of Fairyland
Lecture|Phil Rowsell
Ghar Parau Foundation
Lecture|Hellie Adams
BCA: what next?
Lecture|Tanguy Racine
From snow to past alpine climate: what ice caves tell us.
Lecture|Simon Brooks
Return to Pakistan (Cave Exploration in Pakistan 1990 to 2018)
Lecture|Chris Scaife
Cutthroat Caverns, a new 2.4km discovery in the North Pennines
Lecture|Adele Ward and Andrew Hinde
Fairy Holes - Weardale. The history and continuing exploration of a cave that was almost lost forever.
Mobile Handheld 3DLaser Scanning - Cave Surveying of the Future
Lecture|Dr Frank Pearson
Northern Round-up of Cave Exploration
Lecture|Alex Ritchie
Expedition: Overlooked Armenia