Hidden Earth 2019
Becoming French - 4 Years of Exploration in the Vercors with the SGCAF
Lecture45 minute Lecture|Jeff Wade

To many the Vercors is seen as the ideal place for classic caving, but go on a few caving trips with the locals and it is clear that it is not an area for just holiday caving. After four years of living in Grenoble and caving with the SGCAF, Jeff gives an insight into some of the discoveries that have been made in recent years in his club and what caves may become the new classics. Now virtually French, he will also give an understanding into how French clubs function; what is the drink of choice? do they actually take baguettes and cheese? do they have armchair cavers? All your questions will be answered on how the French differ to the British, and how the British differ to the French...(the talk will be in English, unless requested otherwise by demand, or the yellow vests).
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