Hidden Earth 2019
The Buried Treasures of Fairyland
60 minute Film|Andy and Antonia Freem

The caves of Fairy Cave Quarry, in Mendip, are a national treasure. This film presents the whole complex of caves, and focuses on a variety of important aspects, including-
their discoveries, with many first-hand accounts,
their characters and evidence of the processes that formed them,
their biological significance,
and current methods to conserve the unique and vulnerable features of each of the caves.
The film was created for both covers and the general public to show the unique nature this site of special scientific interest.
More from 2019
Lecture|Jennifer Ryder
A Series of Slovenian Events
Film|Elise Freshwater-Blizzard
Independent Documentary Making Underground
Lecture|Tresviso 2019
Tresviso Expedition 2019
Lecture|Jeff Wade
Becoming French - 4 Years of Exploration in the Vercors with the SGCAF
Lecture|Simon Brooks
Return to Pakistan (Cave Exploration in Pakistan 1990 to 2018)
Lecture|Dr Frank Pearson
Northern Round-up of Cave Exploration
Lecture|Alex Ritchie
Expedition: Overlooked Armenia
CHECC Roundup 2019
Lecture|Robert Middleton
Reasons for, and perceptions of access restrictions to caves and recreational mines within the mainland Britain
Workshop|Andrew Atkinson
Cave Survey Competition - Feedback