Hidden Earth 2019
Northern Round-up of Cave Exploration
30 minute Lecture|Dr Frank Pearson
All year round cavers are digging into new caves and passages, diving into 'fresh' sumps and carrying out conservation work above and below ground. This lecture brings together all of the new exploration and conservation work in the north of England over the past year - in Lancashire, Cumbria, Durham, Northumberland and, let's not forget, Yorkshire! Diggers and divers of the wild north are relentless in their efforts to extend existing caves and find new ones. The search for the unknown on such a crowded isle is all about being down to earth and deep within it. Have a glimpse of the 'deep air's unmeasured (northern) wilderness'!
More from 2019
Lecture|Dr Hazel Barton
Greenland Caves Project 2019
Lecture|Chris Twigg
3D modelling of Ironstone and Jet workings in Cleveland
Workshop|Jerry Wooldridge
Photoshop Workshop
Mobile Handheld 3DLaser Scanning - Cave Surveying of the Future
Lecture|Tom Crossley and Becka Lawson
Medusa's Maze - CUCC unravels the mysteries of Austria's second longest system
CHECC Roundup 2019
Film|Andy and Antonia Freem
The Buried Treasures of Fairyland
Workshop|Nigel Atkins
SRT Kit Workshop
Lecture|Jeff Wade
Becoming French - 4 Years of Exploration in the Vercors with the SGCAF
Lecture|Petie Barry
Shannon Cave, Ireland: High level explorations 2017-2019