Hidden Earth 2019
Cutthroat Caverns, a new 2.4km discovery in the North Pennines
30 minute Lecture|Chris Scaife
Cutthroat Caverns is a phreatic maze cave, with a vadose entrance series, that has recently been discovered in the North Pennines AONB, and surveyed to a length of 2,425m. This lecture will give an entertaining account of the discovery and exploration of this significant find.
More from 2019
Workshop|Phil Wolstenholme and Dominika Wroblewska
Visualising Cave Sound Workshop
Lecture|Dr Hazel Barton
Greenland Caves Project 2019
Lecture|Dr Hazel Barton
The Weird Microbiology of Mulu
Film|Andy and Antonia Freem
A film presentation of the Nenthead Mines Complex, Cumbria
Lecture|Hellie Adams
BCA: what next?
Workshop|Andrew Atkinson
Cave Surveying Meeting
Workshop|Nigel Atkins
SRT Kit Workshop
Lecture|Derek Bristol
Capturing Video of the Longest Caves in the World
Lecture|Petie Barry
Shannon Cave, Ireland: High level explorations 2017-2019
Film|Andy and Antonia Freem
The Buried Treasures of Fairyland