Hidden Earth Survey Salon

The purpose of this salon and competition is to promote cave surveying and provide the opportunity for clubs or individuals to display their survey works. As well as displaying drawn surveys, other surveying-related material may be displayed as part of the salon and competition. This could include, for example, 3D models of caves.
If you have any questions, please email survey-salon@hidden.earth
How to Enter
There is no online entry this year. Just turn up on the Saturday morning with your survey – don't forget to bring a label to display your name and the title of your work.
All the survey entries will be judged alongside each other in a single competition.
- Survey Salon – one winner
- Plus Distinctions and Merits
Competition Categories
For 2024 all entries will be judged in a single category.
The category is awarded a single first prize, and additionally, Merits or Distinctions may also be awarded in recognition of other surveying excellence.
- Delivery of surveys
Your work should be delivered to the exhibition area by midday on the first day of the conference. Postal entries are not accepted. If you are late in arriving you may find that there is limited display space left for you. You are expected to hang your work yourselves, under the supervision of the event staff. You should collect your work on the afternoon of the last day of the event. Work left behind cannot be returned. - Eligibility
All maps, models or other physical representations of a surveyed cave produced in the 12 months prior to the event are eligible. Surveys that are (in the view of the judges), substantially similar to winning entries from previous Hidden Earth competitions or which (in the view of the judges) do not contain substantially new material will be disqualified. - Subject matter
This can be any aspect of caving, cave science or mine exploration. - Entry limits
Five entries per person, or per group/club. - Judging
This will be by a panel of three judges whose decision is final. Note that the organisers reserve the right not to award a prize if, in the opinion of the judges, the entries are too few and of insufficient standard to constitute a competition. - Permissions
All works entered for the competition must have permission from the copyright holder of the survey. - Display Requirements
Printed surveys must be on paper or thin card. Frames are not permitted. Ensure your survey dimensions is appropriate to the category. Entrants to the ‘Other Displayed Material’ category are required to discuss their entry and any bespoke requirements (e.g. large amount of wall space) with the organisers in advance.
Other information and recommendations
- Copyright
The copyright of all entries will remain with the surveyor(s). Entries may be reproduced for display at the closing ceremony and for display during the weekend. All reproduced entries will be credited. No further use will be made of any copies without permission. No rights will be conceded to sponsors or other parties without permission of the entrants, and entrants will be free to set terms for any such use. - Judging
Although the competition categories will each have only one winning entry, the judges will also award Distinctions and Merits to entries that are worthy of mention. - Feedback
Although we usually try to organise a feedback session, this is not currently scheduled for the 2023 event. - List of Winners
A list of competition winners is made available to the media on request and is also published on the Hidden Earth website. Reproduction of winning entries is governed by the competition rules and is in accordance with the guidelines of the Artists Bill of Rights Campaign. - Loss, Damage & Insurance
Every care will be taken of the entries, but the organisers cannot accept responsibility for any damage or loss. The organisers will not be insuring any work and, if required, entrants should make their own arrangements.