Hidden Earth Media Salons
Hidden Earth runs four media salons which are on display throughout the weekend to showcase your work in cave or mine related photography, videomaking, surveying and art. There are competitions within each salon providing the chance to win some great prizes donated by our sponsors.

Photo Salon
Entry ClosedThe purpose of this salon and competition is to encourage both new and experienced cave photographers. We will accept entries that depict any aspect of caving, cave science or mine exploration. Submissions from both established and new photographers are invited. During the judging process consideration will be given to artistic, technical and aesthetic qualities. A prize will be awarded to the overall winner in each category and, in addition, Merit and Distinction awards will highlight examples of praiseworthy entries.
In 2024 there will be additional prizes allocated to Young Photographers (age 21 or under). Just enter the competition as normal, but indicate on the entry form that you are a Young Photographer.
Enquiries to photo-salon@hidden.earth

Video Salon
Entry ClosedVideo is becoming the medium of choice for many more cavers to record their adventures and the underground environment. There is a need (as with photographs), for entries to be exhibited and where appropriate, entered into a more analytical competition. The salon is an opportunity for film-makers, from novice to advanced, to have their work seen and for videos at all levels, low to high budget, small to large production, to have a platform and be appreciated by an informed audience.
For enquiries, please contact video-salon@hidden.earth
Details & How to Enter
Art Salon
Enter In PersonThe competition is open to all artists who produce artwork relating to cave or mine exploration and to sites underground. Pure photography and digitally-based art is excluded as there is a separate salon for this. Entries will be judged by a panel of three judges. In addition to paintings, drawings, and artists' prints, we like to receive a wide range of work in a wide variety of media, such as sculpture, pottery, rugs, embroidery, stained glass, and modern conceptual work.
Large-scale work is welcome and sculpture that is bigger than table-top is acceptable, if you supply a plinth. Work should be 'dressed' for display: paintings should be framed; unframed canvases should have tidy sides with no staples showing. Cartoons should be mounted on card and not just bits of paper. Framed pictures must have rings on the back to permit string to be used in the hanging of the exhibition.
Enquiries to art-salon@hidden.earth
Details & How to Enter
Survey Salon
Enter In PersonThe purpose of this salon and competition is to promote cave surveying and provide the opportunity for clubs or individuals to display their survey works. As well as displaying drawn surveys, other surveying-related material may be displayed as part of the salon and competition. This could include, for example, 3D models of caves.
If you have any questions, please email survey-salon@hidden.earth
Details & How to Enter
Artists Bill of Rights
The Artists Bill of Rights Campaign recognises that our competitions are fair to entrants. The Hidden Earth team is pleased to be the first European caving organisation to achieve this accreditation.
There are a number of other competitions running throughout the weekend, some with prizes and some just for fun! We always try to run as many as possible but due to time or venue restraints some may not run every year.

SRT Races
Demonstrate your SRT skills with a long prusik or technical challenge.

Ladder Races
Timed ladder climbing (up and down) and ladder coiling - neat is key!

Rope Handling Skills
Test yourself at blindfold knot tying and speed tackle back stuffing!

Surveying Competition
Follow our course around the outside of the venue to get the smallest loop closure error. Manual or digital instruments allowed.

Speleo Olympics
Cavers' obstacle course either alone or as a team. Get that tackle sack through the maze of pipes and squeezes.

Club T-shirt Design
Show off your clubs' artistic abilities - usually a delegate vote for this one.

Best Club Stand
Clubs are welcome to take up our offer for a free single table stand in the trade hall to show-off your projects and latest trips, and maybe even recruit some new members! If you would like to include display boards as part of your stand, you will need to bring these – but remember that space is tight (typically only 1.5m width). Book a club stand along with your ticket. The club stands are judged on creative setups, unique information and how well run it is. Power is also available for most stands.
Take a look at some previous winners