Hidden Earth 2019

Peak District Update 2018 to 2019

30 minute Lecture|Simon Brooks

Peak District Update 2018 to 2019


You would think its all being found by now in the Peak District. However, mining (sic) through available material, tapping up regular contacts/informants and chance meetings has revealed that there has been plenty going on. Exploration in the Peaks multitude of mines, often associated with, and intersecting much, 'natural' has once again yielded some interesting finds. The larger systems such a Peak Cavern, P8 and Giants continue to turn up little gems and the ongoing digging site such as Bull Pot and Water Icicle continue to make progress. This lecture gives whistle stop overview of the latest caving activities, digs and discoveries in the Peak District during 2018 - 20195, as well as the annual update on 'Caves gates in the Peak District’ and other caving related items.