Hidden Earth 2019

3D modelling of Ironstone and Jet workings in Cleveland

45 minute Lecture|Chris Twigg

3D modelling of Ironstone and Jet workings in Cleveland


Ironstone mining which took place in Cleveland between 1848 and 1964, generated an impressive paper trail of mine abandonment plans and company records. In sharp contrast, the death of Prince Albert in the early 1860s triggered an explosion in jet mining, which generated no plans and virtually no written records. The Heritage Lottery Funded 'Our Industrial Heartland' project generated 3D models of these two sets of geologically adjacent workings. In the ironstone via geo-referencing of historic plans in GIS software, whilst in the jet workings, local mine and caving clubs used a DistoX paperless surveying system and Survex software. All this new data was combined with LIDAR data and Google Earth imagery to create 3D representations of the two sets of workings and visualise how they relate to each other and also how they relate to the new Sirius Minerals Transfer Tunnel currently being driven under the area.